Monday, December 6, 2010

Holiday Giveaway

I've decided (just right now...this very minute) to start a yearly tradition of a
Holiday Giveaway.
For the next few weeks we will be filling bags with unwanted/un-needed clothing and toys to take to the Road Home.

I have been leaving bags and boxes around the house to fill with items as I come across them. Annika has already tried giving away all of her brother's toys but is finally starting to understand what we're doing. When we finally take everything to the homeless shelter I hope she will understand what an impact she is making.

I plan on getting my side of the family involved and offering to drop everything off for them. I am just typing as I am thinking so I haven't worked out all of the details yet but I am getting really excited and just want to pack up my whole house for those struggling families.

So far I am packing items that I never imagined I would give away but just thinking about the basics these families need has made it an easy choice.
'Tis the season...right?!