Today is that day this all changes. I don't really have a plan other than something I read on several minimalist websites (my current favorite is
Rule #1 ~ Limit to 15 outfits per family member.
I started with my daughters room. She has so many clothing sources; cousins, aunts, grandmas, etc. I feel ungrateful turning things down so I keep e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g resulting in...
-3 skirts
-3 dresses
-5 outfits
-10 pairs of socks and underwear
-5 pairs of shoes (that was a hard one. they're all so cute)
-3 swimsuits
-2 sweatshirts
-5 pairs of pajamas
-2 dolls, 2 doll outfits and 1 doll blanket
-1 small drawer of art supplies
-1 small box of small toys
-1 big basket of books (I took a few to the preschool which could be considered cheating, but we actually read all of them)
-1 tea set
-1 winter coat (she had 5)
-3 blankets
Elapsed time: 1 hour-including bagging up unwanted items and putting in the trunk of my car to go to good will.
Time it takes to clean up now...even when every single toy is out: 5 minutes
The same evening I went through my little boys room;
-10 outfits
-2 swimsuits
-1 hat
-1 basket of toys
-20 books
-5 pairs of pajamas
-2 pairs of shoes (going with only foot forming shoes made it easy to narrow it down)
-3 blankets
Elapsed time: 15 minutes
Time it takes to clean up now: 5 minutes
I know it's not exactly 15 outfits per person but I'm working on it. My closet will be much closer and I can't wait to start the next phase.
Ashley, I LOVE THIS! I am in the same boat as you. I hate having closets and drawers still full of clothes while 6 loads of laundry sits on my couch staring at me to fold it. I'm soo done with that. Sometimes I think I just want to SELL it all and start over. :) Good luck on the getting organized process and de-junking. It's the best feeling in the world! Also, I don't necessarily think buying is bad when you're buying bins and organizational tools! :) Good Luck!