Sunday, August 22, 2010


This is sooo hard. I feel like more and more things are creeping into my house and there is nowhere to put anything. I am still getting rid of things here and there but I feel like I need to spend a weekend (interruption free) with loud music, boxes, garbage bags, and empty cars that I can fill with donate-able items.

I also feel like I need to buy ( I know...a big minimalist NO-NO) a ton of organizing materials for the items I do have. I don't just become organized. I have to have a plan. But I can't organize until I know what I have to work with so I need to get rid of everything I can NOW!!

I am feeling even more overwhelmed now. I want this to be done and just move on with a clutter-free life. I want this to happen overnight. I want to be there already.

Baby steps...

1 comment:

  1. you have inspired me. I have to get rid of all the junk I have. seriously it slowly takes over!
